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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1997-02-24 | 10.9 KB | 199 lines |
- :Title TalkWorks Online Help
- :Index TalkWorks Online Help=voice.hlp
- :Link winfax.hlp
- 1 Using the online help=T_HELP@WINFAX.HLP>Main
- 1 Introducing TalkWorks
- 2 About TalkWorks=T_TW_MSG@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 About mailboxes=T_TW_MBTYPES@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 What's new in this version=T_TW_NEW_STUFF@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Most popular TalkWorks features=T_TW_POPULAR_FEATURES@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Programs included with TalkWorks=T_TW_PROGRAMS@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 System requirements=T_SYSTEM_REQS@winfax.hlp>main
- 2 Saving Time With the Controller
- 3 Saving time with the Controller=T_TIPS_CONTROLLER@winfax.hlp>Main
- 3 About the Controller icon=T_CONTROLLER_ICONS@winfax.hlp >Main
- 3 Using the Controller=P_CONTROLLER_MENU@winfax.hlp >Process
- 3 Starting the Controller=P_CONTROLLER_START@winfax.hlp>Process
- 3 Closing the Controller=P_CONTROLLER_CLOSE@winfax.hlp >Process
- 2 Files and Extensions
- 3 WinFax and TalkWorks files=T_FILE_TYPES@winfax.hlp>Main
- 3 File extensions=T_FILE_EXTENSIONS@winfax.hlp>Main
- 1 Setting Up Call Answering
- 2 About TalkWorks profiles=T_TW_PROFILE@VOICE.HLP>Main
- 2 About mailboxes=T_TW_MBTYPES@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Planning TalkWorks Profiles
- 3 Planning TalkWorks profiles=T_TW_PROFILE_PLAN@voice.hlp>Main
- 3 Sample profile=T_TW_SAMPLE_PROFILE@voice.hlp>Main
- 3 Planning Mailboxes
- 4 Voice Message mailboxes=T_TW_MB_VOICE@voice.hlp>Main
- 4 Announcement Only mailboxes=T_TW_MB_ANNOUNCE@voice.hlp>Main
- 4 Fax On Demand mailboxes=T_TW_MB_FOD@voice.hlp>Main
- 4 Fax Only mailboxes=T_TW_MB_FAX_ONLY@voice.hlp>Main
- 4 Data Only mailboxes=T_TW_MB_DATA_ONLY@voice.hlp>Main
- 3 Planning Greetings and Menus
- 4 Planning greetings and menus=T_TW_MB_GREET_PLAN@voice.hlp>Main
- 3 Planning Forms for Profiles
- 4 Planning forms=T_TW_FORMS_PROFILE@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Creating Profiles and Mailboxes
- 3 Creating profiles=P_TW_PROFILE_NEW@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Creating Mailboxes Ahead of Time
- 4 Creating mailboxes=T_QR_QUESTION24@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Creating a Voice Message mailbox=P_TW_MB_NEW_VOICE@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Creating an Announcement Only mailbox=P_TW_MB_NEW_ANNOUNCE@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Creating a Fax Only mailbox=P_TW_MB_NEW_FAX_ONLY@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Creating a Data Only mailbox=P_TW_MB_NEW_DATA_ONLY@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Creating Fax On Demand Mailboxes
- 5 Preparing Fax On Demand documents=P_TW_NEW_FOD_DOCS@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 5 Creating Fax On Demand mailboxes=P_TW_MB_NEW_FOD@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 3 Adding Mailboxes to Profiles
- 4 Adding mailboxes to profiles=P_TW_MB_ADD_TO_PROFILE@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 2 Testing Profiles
- 3 Testing Profiles=P_TW_PROFILE_TEST@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Enabling Profiles
- 3 Enabling profiles=P_TW_PROFILE_ACTIVATE@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Enabling Automatic Reception
- 4 Enabling automatic receive for both voice and fax=P_TW_ENABLE_RECEIVE@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 4 Switching to fax-only reception=P_TW_ENABLE_RECEIVE_FAX_ONLY@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 2 Modifying Profiles and Mailboxes
- 3 Modifying profiles=P_TW_PROFILE_MODIFY@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Modifying mailboxes=P_TW_MB_MODIFY@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Deleting profiles=P_TW_PROFILE_DELETE@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Deleting mailboxes=P_TW_MB_DELETE@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Setting Call Answering Options
- 3 Setting modem options=P_TW_TEL_PROPERTY_MODEM@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 3 Setting Up Dual Line/Dual Modem Support
- 4 Setting up separate sending and receiving lines=P_SEND_ADV_FUNCTION@WINFAX.HLP>Process
- 4 Setting up separate voice and fax lines=P_SEND_ADV_TYPE@WINFAX.HLP>Process
- 3 Setting Voice Messaging Options
- 4 Setting message length options=P_TW_MSG_LENGTH_MIN@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Compressing voice messages=P_TW_COMPRESS_LEVEL@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Screening voice calls=P_TW_SCREEN@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Using the toll saver feature=P_TW_TOLL_SAVING@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 4 Handling fax calls=P_TW_EAVESDROP@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Setting sensitivity to sound=P_TW_SILENCE_DETECT@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Setting Device Options
- 4 Setting playback device options=P_TW_DEVICE_PLAY@voice.hlp>Process
- 4 Selecting the recording device=P_TW_DEVICE_RECORD@voice.hlp>Process
- 1 Using the TalkWorks Telephone
- 2 About the TalkWorks Telephone=T_TW_TEL@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Starting and Exiting
- 3 Starting the Telephone=P_TW_TEL_START@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Exiting the Telephone=p_TW_tel_exit@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Dialing Phone Numbers
- 3 Setting dialing options=P_TW_TEL_PROPERTY_DIALING@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 3 Dialing phone numbers=P_TW_TEL_DIAL_MANUAL@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Redialing phone numbers=P_TW_TEL_DIAL_AGAIN@VOICE.HLP>Process
- 3 Setting up speed dial numbers=P_TW_TEL_SPEED_DIAL_DEFINE@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Hanging up=p_TW_tel_hangup@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Answering Voice Calls
- 3 Answering voice calls=p_TW_tel_answer_speaker@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Setting Telephone Options
- 3 Specifying the modem you want to use=P_TW_TEL_MODEM_TO_USE@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Specifying dialing instructions=p_TW_tel_property_dialing@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Specifying credit card options=p_TW_tel_property_cc@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Setting modem options=p_TW_tel_property_modem@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Handling busy signals and dial tones=P_TW_TEL_DETECT_TONE@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Setting automatic redial options=p_TW_tel_redial_options@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Announcing incoming voice calls with a sound=P_TW_SETUP_SOUND@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Playing music on hold=p_TW_tel_sound_hold@voice.hlp>Process
- 1 Using the TalkWorks Answering Machine
- 2 About the TalkWorks Answering Machine=t_TW_am@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Starting and Exiting
- 3 Starting the Answering Machine=P_TW_AM_START@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Exiting the Answering Machine=p_TW_am_exit@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Playing Voice Messages
- 3 Playing voice messages=P_TW_AM_PLAY@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Deleting Voice Messages
- 3 Deleting voice messages=P_TW_MSG_DELETE_DURING_RETRIEVAL@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Recording Messages
- 3 Recording memos=p_TW_am_record_memo@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Recording mailbox greetings=p_TW_am_record_greeting@voice.hlp>Process
- 1 Using TalkWorks from the Logs Window
- 2 Working in the WinFax Logs window=T_TW_LOGS_WINDOW@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Playing Voice Messages
- 3 Playing voice messages=P_TW_MSG_PLAY_WINFAX@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Deleting Voice Messages
- 3 Deleting voice messages=P_TW_MSG_DELETE_WINFAX@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Forwarding Voice Messages
- 3 Forwarding voice messages=p_TW_forward@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Recording Messages
- 3 Recording memos=P_TW_RECORD_MEMO@voice.hlp>Process
- 1 Accessing Mailboxes Remotely
- 2 About remote access=T_TW_REMOTE_ACCESS@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Calling in for voice messages=P_TW_MSG_PLAY_REMOTE@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Calling in to change your password=P_TW_PASSWORD_CHANGE_REMOTE@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Calling in to record your mailbox greeting=P_TW_GREET_RECORD_REMOTE@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Calling in to leave messages=P_TW_MSG_LEAVE_MESSAGE@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Retrieving faxes remotely=P_TW_MSG_PLAY_REMOTE_FAX@voice.hlp>Process
- 1 Editing Audio Files
- 2 About the TalkWorks AudioEditor=t_TW_ae@voice.hlp>Main
- 2 Starting and Exiting
- 3 Starting AudioEditor=P_TW_AE_START@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Exiting AudioEditor=p_TW_ae_exit@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Setting AudioEditor Options
- 3 Setting the sound quality=p_TW_ae_options_sound_quality@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Setting the recording format=p_TW_ae_options_sound_format@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Setting recording attributes=p_TW_ae_options_sound_attributes@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Setting the compression method=P_TW_AE_COMPRESS_METHOD@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Adjusting the View
- 3 Specifying the scale used to display audio recordings=p_TW_ae_view_scale@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Zooming in and out in the lower audio panel=p_TW_ae_view_zoom@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Viewing and hiding the toolbar=p_TW_ae_tb@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Viewing and hiding the status bar=p_TW_ae_status_bar@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Creating, Opening, and Saving Files
- 3 Opening audio files=p_TW_ae_file_open@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Creating audio files=p_TW_ae_file_create@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Viewing file information=p_TW_ae_file_info@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Saving audio files=p_TW_ae_file_save@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Undoing Actions
- 3 Undoing the last action=p_TW_ae_undo@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Selecting Segments
- 3 Selecting entire audio files=p_TW_ae_select_all@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Cutting, Copying, Pasting, and Deleting Segments
- 3 Cutting segments out of audio files=p_TW_ae_cut@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Copying segments of audio files=p_TW_ae_copy@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Pasting segments from the Clipboard into audio files=p_TW_ae_paste@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Pasting another audio file into the loaded audio file=p_TW_ae_paste_file@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Deleting segments from audio files=p_TW_ae_delete@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Recording Messages
- 3 Recording messages=p_TW_ae_record@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Enabling record mode=p_TW_ae_record_start@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Disabling record mode=p_TW_ae_record_stop@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Listening to Records
- 3 Playing entire recordings=p_TW_ae_record_play_all@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Playing segments of a recording=p_TW_ae_record_play_segment@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Inserting other messages in the middle of recordings=p_TW_ae_record_Insert_segment@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Re-recording segments of recordings=p_TW_ae_record_again_segment@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Rewinding recordings=p_TW_ae_record_rewind@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Going to the end of recordings=p_TW_ae_record_fast_forward@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Pausing during playback=p_TW_ae_record_pause@voice.hlp>Process
- 2 Adding Special Effects to Recordings
- 3 Adding fading effects to recordings=p_TW_ae_effects_fade@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Control the volume of recordings=p_TW_ae_effects_volume@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Adding echoes to recordings=p_TW_ae_effects_echo@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Changing recording speed=p_TW_ae_effects_speed@voice.hlp>Process
- 3 Trimming extra silence from recordings=p_TW_ae_effects_trim_silence@voice.hlp>Process
- 1 Troubleshooting
- 2 Troubleshooting your situation=T_TRB_CHECKLIST@WINFAX.HLp>Main
- 2 Other sources of information=T_TRB_RESOURCES@winfax.hlp>Main
- 2 Situations and Solutions
- 3 Improving overall performance=T_TRB_PERFORMANCE@WINFAX.HLP'>Main
- 3 Checking your system=T_TRB_BASICS@WINFAX.HLP>Main
- 3 Checking your modem=T_MODEM_PROBLEMS@WINFAX.HLP>Main
- 3 Checking your dialing setup=T_TRB_DIAL@WINFAX.HLP>Main
- 3 Phonebook and log problems=T_TRB_LOG_PROBLEMS@WINFAX.HLP>Main
- 3 TalkWorks problems=T_TRB_VOICE_PROBLEMS@WINFAX.HLP>Main
- 2 Installing and Uninstalling
- 3 Installing WinFax and TalkWorks=T_TRB_INSTALL@winfax.hlp >Process
- 3 Updating WinFax and TalkWorks using LiveUpdate=T_TRB_LIVEUPDATE@winfax.hlp >Process
- 3 Uninstalling WinFax and TalkWorks=T_TRB_INSTALL_UNDO@winfax.hlp >Process
- 2 Getting Assistance from Symantec
- 3 Preparing to contact technical support=T_TECSUPPORT_BEFORE@winfax.hlp >Process
- 3 Available support solutions=T_TRB_SUPPORT_OPTIONS@winfax.hlp >Process
- 3 Contacting technical support=T_TRB_SUPPORT_CONTACT@winfax.hlp >Process
- 3 Contacting customer service=T_TRB_SERVICE_CONTACT@winfax.hlp >Process
- 3 Special needs services=T_SUPPORT_SPECIAL@winfax.hlp >process
- 1 Glossary
- 2 Glossary of terms=winfaxglossary@winfax.hlp>main